DevOps Microsoft Stack and ASP.NET Application on Kubernetes


In this Post , We’ll share the Process how you can Develop and Deploy .NET Application using Docker and Kubernetes and Adopt DevOps in existing .NET Applications

Continuous delivery is a branch of continuous integration. It concentrates on automating the software delivery process so that teams can quickly and confidently deploy their code to production at any point.

Read More About Continuous Delivery


To follow this guide you need

Below mentioned options are few most popular registries.

Create a Dockerfile

The below-mentioned code is sample dockerfile for .NET applications. In which we are using Microsoft .NET 1.1 SDK for .NET Application.

Building .NET Application Image

The below-mentioned command will build your application container image.

Publishing Container Image

Now we publish our .NET application container images to any container registry like Docker Hub, AWS ECR, Google Container Registry, Private Docker Registry.

We are using Azure Container Registry for publishing Container Images.

You also need to Sign Up on Azure Cloud Platform and then create Container Registry using this link. 

Now Click The Link to Pull and Push to Azure Container Registry.

Similarly, we can Push or Pull any container image to any of the below-mentioned Container Registry like Docker Hub, AWS ECR, Private Docker Registry, Google Container Registry etc.

Creating Deployment Files for Kubernetes

Deploying application on kubernetes with ease using deployment and service files either in JSON or YAML format.

Following Content is for “<name of application>.deployment.yml” file of Python container application.

Following Content is for “<name of application>.service.yml” file of Python container application.

Running .NET Application on Kubernetes

.NET Application Container can be deployed either by kubernetes Dashboard or Kubectl (Command line).

I`m explaining command line that you can use in production Kubernetes cluster.

Now we have successfully deployed .NET Application on Kubernetes.


We can verify application deployment either by using Kubectl or Kubernetes Dashboard.

The below-mentioned command will show you running pods of your application with status running/terminated/stop/created.

Result of above command


Get the External Node Port using the below-mentioned command. External Node Port are in the range from 30000 to 65000.

Launch web Browser and open any of the below-mentioned URLs.

Notes - For above specific .NET Application, you will get the Pods Output.



At Don we have specialized professionals that can help you in starting with Microservices Architecture, NoSQL and SQL Database, Docker & Kubernetes. Reach Us for Development, Deployment, and Consulting for MicroServices, Kubernetes, and Docker Technology Solutions.  

If You looking to Migrate or Adopt DevOps in your Existing .NET Application, We will help you migrate to DevOps and Cloud Computing. Also we can help you to leverage the New .NET framework Core and MS SQL for Linux to adopt Microservices Architecture using Docker and Kubernetes.

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Don is a leading Software Company in Product Development and Solution Provider for DevOps, Big Data Integration, Real Time Analytics & Data Science.