Job Openings for Product Engineering and Solutions at Don

Our Journey till now…

Nearly all organizations would agree that digital talent is important and that they are aware of the digital talent gap. With ever-increasing demand for skills, the talent gap has widened. The challenge of the digital talent gap is no longer just an HR issue; it is an organization-wide phenomenon that affects all areas of the business. Therefore, we formed out the need of our clients for technical talent “help” in understanding and implementing large scale network computer systems. We are a network-group of software engineers’ experts that formed on-demand to meet clients network computer system’s needs.

Now, Don is Building Data-driven Applications for enterprises, Embedding the Internet in every aspect of life, easing the human life using analytics and IoT products; contributing towards high performance, highly available and reliable solutions.

About Us

We don’t work on cutting edge, instead, we define it. Our reputation of Excellence is a direct reflection of our Product. We Focus on business and mission critical software products to cut customer costs, increase profits and improve productivity.

We're a fast moving, highly skilled but small team, designing and building a continuous integration and delivery system that server-side developers use to build, test and deploy their products wit


Our system has to scale globally, stay highly available, and "just work”.

That's a tall order, and we're looking to add more talented and passionate engineers who love dealing with such challenges.

We provide an excellent platform for the candidate to enhance their careers with phenomenal learning experiences.

We have Openings in Below Profiles


For hiring an applicant we have a step-by-step hiring process. This process has three key phases, including planning, recruitment, and employee selection.

Human resource planning starts when a company settles on the number of employees they are looking to hire and the skill sets they require of these employees. The company then compare their needs to the expected number of qualified candidates.

The recruitment phase of the hiring process takes place when the company tries to reach a pool of candidates through job postings, job referrals, advertisements, college campus recruitment, etc. Candidates who respond to these measures then follow the further procedure for interview, including

Salary Package: We provide Best package as per Industry Standard

Employee selection starts, when Company evaluates information about the pool of applicants generated during the recruitment phase. After assessing the candidates, the company decides which applicant will be offered the position.

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Women In Technology

As we know this high-technology field has long been pegged as one that is in hospitable to women because it has been— and continues to be—dominated numerically by men, But It was only limited till the 20th century.

Now, In the 21st century, It’s a time of women to step in IT.

Don provides them with a platform to showcase their talent and Play an Active role in Development of Next Generation Products.

You can indulge yourself as a Software Engineer, Cloud Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Big Data Engineer and Data Scientist/Engineer.

Interested, APPLY NOW! or Email us your Resume at

Don Offerings

Don is a leading Software Company in Product Development and Solution Provider for DevOps, Big Data Integration, Real Time Analytics & Data Science.

Product NexaStack - Unified DevOps Platform Provides monitoring of Kubernetes, Docker, OpenStack infrastructure, Big Data Infrastructure and uses advanced machine learning techniques for Log Mining and Log Analytics.

Product ElixirData - Modern Data Integration Platform Enables enterprises and Different agencies for Log Analytics and Log Mining. 

Product Akira.AI is an Automated & Knowledge Drive Artificial Intelligence Platform that enables you to automate the Infrastructure to train and deploy Deep Learning Models on Public Cloud as well as On-Premises.