Introduction to Smart Manufacturing


Machines have threshold values for the different parameters like Temperature, Oil pressure, and Amperage which should not be crossed. Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) enables proactive maintenance break on the machines. Collection of data in Real-Time is an excellent solution.


Challenge for Building the IoT Platform


Scalable Solution to manage all the machines at a single central point and handle sizeable Real-Time streaming data from sensors that can provide the alerts and trigger to turn off the motor in very minimum time.


Solution Offered for Managing Real Time Data


Installation of the sensor to collect each value(Temperature, Oil pressure, Amperage) in Real-Time using Google Cloud Platform.


Key Technology Frameworks for IoT Platform


Google Cloud IoT Core to ingest data from the all sensor attached to different machines. The data collected from the sensors contains the machine identification number to differentiate the received data.


Google Cloud IoT Core sends the collected data to Google Cloud Pub/Sub. This data stream routes at multiple locations. Store the raw data into BigQuery and also to Google Cloud Function.


Detect whether the collected data values are higher than the threshold values. Implement Google Cloud Function and Google Pub/Sub as the trigger. Google Cloud function is an event-driven serverless compute platform to deploy Function As a Service which is auto scalable, highly available and fault tolerant.


Cloud function triggers the configuration changes to the Google Cloud IoT Core if data values are higher than the threshold value, for another sensor which controls the motor of the machine.


Google Cloud IoT Core sends the trigger to the device to turn off the machine and have a maintenance break.

  • Google Pub/Sub
  • Google IoT Core
  • Google Cloud Function
  • Google Cloud DataFlow

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