Business Challenge


  • Our client has a transaction data. The data contains the information regarding the transaction data like type of transaction, amount which is transacted between two users, “name of origin’’ (user who made the transaction ) contains the information about the user who transacted the amount, “name of destination” (user who received the transaction amount ), “new balance origin” (balance after user made transaction).

  • The client wants to view the relationship between the user who transacted the amount and the user who received the amount.

  • To view the relationship between these users in the form of the graph.


Solution Offered


  • To find the relationship between the users(which user paid to which another user), we use the graph to represent the relationship between the origin(origin is the user who transacted to another user) and destination (destination is the user who received the amount which is paid by the origin).

  • Tinker graph is used to create the vertices and edges using the .csv file (this file contains the transaction data of client).

  • The relationship between the vertices is represented in the form of edges. The relationship that exists between the vertices is stored in the form of XML in the .graphml file as an output of tinker graph.

  • This file is viewed by Gephi to visualize the output in the form of the graph.

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