Our client has built an e-learning platform in which tutors and students can connect online, and their platform provides a virtual classroom in which tutor can teach thousands of students at the same time.

Business Challenge

  • To build a Real-Time Analytics Platform which will help tutors to analyze the performance of their students in various ways like daily attendance, time(in minutes) for which student was online during their daily sessions, marks of students in various tests conducted by the tutor.

  • A student can also track their daily and weekly performance in Real-Time using the Platform.

Solution Offered

This e-learning platform of the client is built using microservices architecture in which tables are logically divided into multiple databases so that management, scaling, load management and other things for databases can be done for different parts of their e-learning platform.

So we had to build a data warehouse which could migrate tables of all databases into their data warehouse and then build analytics platform on it.


Following are the steps involved in building this platform -

  • Data Ingestion Using Apache Nifi

  • Generating Apache Kafka Event

  • Real-time Aggregation using Apache Spark Streaming

  • Daily and Weekly Apache Spark Jobs

  • Analytics Dashboard

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