

  • A unified Secure Big Data platform performing Data Integration and  Migration of the Data. Using Unified Big Data Platform to execute, create and maintain different scripts to Integrate and migrate the data from different sources to Hive.

  • Secure Mode Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark Operations and authenticated team members able to access their clusters with different access level and permissions.

  • The Optimization of analytical queries performed on Hive using Apache Spark

  • Infrastructure Automation of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark Cluster


Business Challenge


Key Challenges and aspects of Big Data Security according to CSA


Infrastructure Security-

  • Secure Distributed Processing of Data
  • Security Best Actions for Non-Relational Databases  


Data Privacy-

  • Data Analysis through Data Mining Preserving Data Privacy
  • Cryptographic Solutions for Data Security
  •  Granular Access Control


Data Management and Integrity-

  • Secure Data Storage and Transaction Logs
  • Granular Audits
  • Data Provenance


Reactive Security-

  • End-to-End Filtering & Validation
  • Supervising the Security Level in Real-Time


Unified Secure Mode Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark Big Data Platform


Unified Big Data platform to integrate different sources and  Data Migration tasks using single dashboard. The Big Data Platform enables security for the Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark clusters with auto deployment process and optimal query execution time of their analytical queries and machine learning algorithms.


  • Infrastructure Automation using Ansible

  • Enabling Security using Apache Knox and Apache Ranger

  • Creating Playbooks For Auto-Deployment

  • Enabling Security and User Authentication using Apache Kerberos

  • Data Migration To MySQL and Apache Hadoop Cluster

  • Optimization of Spark Execution Engine

  • Enabling Monitoring and Performance Metrics Visualization in Graphene

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