Business Challenge


  • Building Enterprise Private Cloud for Healthcare Application

  • Enterprise Private Cloud Provides Flexibility for Managing development , staging and production environments

  • Private Cloud Support Containers and Big Data -Apache hadoop for Building Analytics Platform

  • DR and BackUp for the Private Cloud

  • Enterprise Security Policies and Implementation with LDAP

  • CIS , HIPAA Compliance for Both Containers and OpenStack


Solution Offered for Enterprise Private Cloud


  • OpenStack Compute for InfraStructure as a Service,  OpenStack Magnum for Container as a Service, OpenStack Sahara for Big Data Analytics and Ceph for Storage.

  • OpenStack Pike release and Jewel for Ceph

  • OpenStack Magnum deploys and manage clusters of hosts for a container orchestration engine.

  • Sahara provides users with a simple means to provision Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark and Apache on OpenStack.

  • Infrastructure Automation using Ansible

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