Getting Started with Kubernetes and Microservices

Our DevOps team were deploying their Application Process LifeCycle and Big Data Services. Significant challenges during deployment of their application stack are mentioned below -

  • Difficult to isolate different environment like dev, staging, and production.

  • The environment is not flexible; any system configuration changes affect other running applications.

  • Single Point of failure at the application level.

  • Scaling Out of any application is very laborious.

  • Time-Consuming Process for deploying or update the Application and manually Process.

  • Wastage of Resources.

Managed Kubernetes Solutions

  • We Proposed them a data-driven application stack with DevOps Strategies. The complete solution stack includes application stack and Hadoop-based Analytics Data Lake on Microservices architecture including monitoring service for all components of Hadoop Based Data Lake.

  • Infrastructure can be on the Cloud-Based or Bare-Metal server. On top of that Microservices Architecture using Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

  • Application platform includes apps and databases on Docker and Kubernetes for ease of deployment and automation of full stack application.

  • Our monitoring stack provides end to end monitoring of cluster resource utilization to application and database monitoring.

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